Three question mcq, saq, brief questions & answers For Class - XII
1. Leo Tolstoy was a
writer of -------Russia.
2.’Three Question’ is a
------Biblical story.
3. ‘Tsar’ is the Russian
name of a ------King.
4. The Tsar wanted to know the answers of ------Three question.
5. According to some
learned men the most necessary persons for the Tsar would be-----Warriors.
6. What was the first question of the
Tsar ?
Ans: The Tsar wanted to know the right time to begin every work
which would bring him success.
7.What was the
second question of the Tsar?
Ans: The second question of the Tsar was that he wanted to know
who the right person to listen to was and whom should be avoided.
8. What was the
third question of the Tsar?
Ans: The third question of Tsar was that he wanted to know what
the most important thing to do .
9. Why did the
Tsar want to know the answers of his three questions?
Ans: The Tsar wanted to know the answers of his three questions
because he thought if he knew that he would never fail in anything he might
10. How did the
learned men answer the Tsar’s questions?
Ans: The learned men answered the Tsar’s questions differently.
11. How could
the magicians help the Tsar?
Ans: Only the magicians would predict future and so they could
help the Tsar to know the right time for every action.
12. How could a
council of wise men help the Tsar?
Ans: A council of wise men could help the Tsar to fix the proper
time for every action.
13. who were
the most important person according to Learned men?
Ans: The learned men thought that the councilors or the priests
or the doctors or the worriors would lbe the most important persons to the
14. What
according to the learned men , would be the most important occupation of the
Ans: According to the learned men the most important occupation
of the Tsar would be science or warfare or religious worship.
15. Why did the
Tsar give no reward to the learned men?
Ans: The Tsar gave no
reward to the learned men because he thought that their answer were different.
16. Why did the
Tsar decide to consult the hermit?
Ans: The Tsar decided to consult the hermit because his learned
men failed and he knew the hermit was wise enough to give answers to his three
17. Where did
the hermit live?
Ans: The hermit lived in a wood which he never quitted.
18.Why did the
Tsar put on simple clothes before visiting the hermit?
Ans: The Tsar put on simple clothes because the hermit received
only common folk.
19. What was
the hermit doing when the Tsar came to visit him?
Ans: The hermit was digging the ground with his spade when the
Tsar came to visit him.
20. How did the
Tsar go to the hermit?
Ans: The Tsar put on simple clothes, dismounted from his horse,
left behind his bodyguard and went to the hurmit’s hut.
21. What was
the condition of the hermit while digging the ground?
Ans: The hermit breathed heavily while digging the ground.
22. Describe
the wound of the stranger.
Ans: The stranger had a large wound in his stomach and blood was
flowing badly from this wound.
23. How did the
Tsar tend the man?
Ans: The Tsar washed and bandaged the wound several times till
the blood stopped flowing.
24. What did
the wounded man ask for when he revieved?
Ans: The wounded man asked for something to drink When he revived.
25. What did
the Tsar give the wounded man after he revived?
Ans: The Tsar gave the wounded man some fresh water to drink
when he revived.
26. Where did
the Tsar fall asleep?
Ans: The Tsar crouched down on the threshold and feel asleep.
27. Why did the
man want to take revenge on the Tsar?
Ans: The man wanted to take revenge on the Tsar because the
Tsar had once executed his brother and seized his property.
28. Why did the
man come out of his ambush?
Ans: The came out of his ambush because he lost his patience
when the Tsar did not return.
29. Why did the
man beg for forgiveness from the Tsar?
Ans The man begged forgiveness from the Tsar because the Tsar
saved his life when he was severely wounded although he had intended to kill
the Tsar.
30. What did
the wounded man promise the Tsar?
Ans: The wounded man promised the Tsar that he and his sons
would serve the Tsar as his most faithful slaves because the Tsar had saved his
31. What did
the Tsar promise?
Ans: The Tsar promised to send his servants and his own
physician to attend the man and also asked that he would restore his property.
32. What
according to the hermit is the most important time?
Ans: According to the hermit, the most important time is the
‘present’ as we have control over it only at least to some extent.
Written by-B.Ray(M.A.)
1.What did the
learned men say in answer to Tsar’s first question?
Ans. In reply to the
Tsar’s first question the learned men answered differently. Some said that to
know the right time for every action, in advance one must make a table of days,
months and years. According to the routine he must work. Other said that in
advance to decide the the right time for every action was impossible. They said
that one should always attend to all that was going on and then do what was
most needful. Again others said that it was impossible for a man to decide
correctly the right time for every action. So, he should have a Council of wise
men who would help him to fix the proper time for every action. Others told the
Tsar that he should consult magicians who can declare future.
2.What were the answers to the second and third question
of the Tsar from the learned men?
Ans. In reply to the
Tsar’ second question the learned men answered differently. Some said that the
people whom the Tsar most needed were his councilors. Some said that the
priests were the most important people to the Tsar. Others said that the
doctors were the most important people to the Tsar. Again others said that the
warriors were the most necessary people to the Tsar.
In reply to the Tsar’s third question
the learned men answered differently. Some said that the most important thing
in the world was science. Others said that the most important thing was skill
in warfare. Again others said that religious worship was the most important
thing in the world.
3. How did the Tsar nurse the wounded man?
Ans. The
sun was about to set. Then a wounded man came running out of the wood. He fell
fainting on the ground before the Tsar. The tsar and the hermit united the
man’s clothing. There was a large wound in the man’s stomach. The Tsar washed
it as best as he could. He bandaged it with his handkerchief and with the towel
of the hermit. But the blood was flowing. Repeatedly the Tsar removed the
bandage. He washed and rebandaged the wound. At last the blood stopped flowing.
The wounded man revived. The Tsar gave him fresh water to drink. With the help
of the hermit he carried him into the hut of the hermit and laid him on the
bed. Lying on the bed the wounded man closed his eyes and was calm. Thus the
Tsar nursed the wounded man.
4. How did the
enemy of the Tsar become friend in Leo Tolstoy’s “The Three Questions’?
Ans. In
the prose “The Three Questions” we came to know that the bearded man was nursed
by the Tsar. The Tsar washed the wounds repeatedly and bandaged his wound till
blood stopped flowing. He gave him fresh water to drink. The Tsar carried the
wounded man with the hermit’s help into the hermit’s hut and laid him on the
bed. Thus the Tsar saved the life of the wounded man. Tsar’s service changed the mind of the
wounded man. It transformed the Tsar’s avowed enemy into a faithful servant.
The bearded man didn’t want to take any revenge on the Tsar for his brother’s
execution and the seizure of his property. The bearded man asked for the Tsar’s
forgiveness. Finally the Tsar got the friendship of his enemy by showing
kindness to him. Thus The Tsar was happy to make peace with his enemy so easily.
5.”You are already
answered”.—Do you agree with this line which was given by the hermit ? If so
give three reasons of your answer.
Ans. In the prose “The Three Question” I came to know that the
Tsar was answered indirectly. The answers were pertinent and logical.
Firstly, according to the hermit the
most important time is present. That is right because the Tsar spent his
present time by digging beds and he escaped death.
Secondly, the hermit said that most
important person is one whom you are with. That also right because the Tsar
nursed the wounded man with carefully and
as a result he got an enemy into a friend.
Thirdly, the hermit said that the most
important work is to do good to the people around you. That is also true. The
Tsar worked for the hermit first and wounded man thereafter. At that time he
was escaping death gaining friendship and got the answer of his questions.
6. Why did the Tsar help the hermit to dig ? How did his
work at the hermit’s place help him ?
Ans. In the prose “The Three Question” we came to know that
Tsar went to meet with a hermit to get the answer of his questions. In the
hermit’s hut the Tsar saw that the hermit was frail and weak. He was digging
beds in front of his hut. Each time he stuck his spade into the ground, he
breathed heavily. The Tsar said that he wanted to dig the beds and took the
spade from the hermit and started to dig the ground. He wanted to give some
respite to the old man.
The Tsar gave
two different kinds of result. Firstly, as he was busy in digging and he was
free from the certain death. Secondly, he saved his enemy and got his
friendship. Finally, he got the answers of all his questions.
7. Why did the Tsar go to the
hermit? Why did he go there in disguise? What was the hermit doing when the Tsar
met him?
Ans. In the prose “The Three question” we came to know that the
Tsar went to the hermit because all the learned men answered differently and
the Tsar didn’t satisfied with them. So he decided to meet the hermit.
The hermit received only common folk.
So the Tsar put on simple cloth before meeting the hermit.
The hermit was digging the ground in
front of his hut. The Tsar saw him weak and frail. The hermit was breathing
heavily while striking the spade into the ground. The hermit greeted the Tsar
but went on digging.
Written by – B.Ray(M.A.)