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Asleep in the Valley Arthur Rimbaud short questions and answers

Asleep in the Valley short questions and answers for class- XII
1. ‘Asleep in the valley’ is the poem about—War.
2. ‘Asleep in the valley’ is—Italian sonnet.
3. The green valley was—Small.
4. The stream flows through the—small green valley.
5.  The feet of the soldier were among the—flowers.
6. The smile of the soldier was like—an infant/child.
7. The rest of the soldier could not be disturbed by—the humming insects.
8. The soldier was lying—open mouthed.
9. The head of the soldier was lying on the pillow of—fern.
10. His one hand was on—his breast.
11. The sitting of the poem is—a bosky pit.
12.Who composed the poem ‘Asleep in the Valley’?
Ans. Arthur Rimbaud has composed the poem ‘Asleep in the valley’.
13. What was Rimbaud’s nationality ?
Ans. Rimbaud was a French.
14. What is the theme of the poem ‘Asleep in the valley’?
Ans. The theme of the poem is the futility of war.
15. Where from does the sunrays come ?
Ans. The stream of sunrays comes from the mountaintop.
16. How old is the soldier?
Ans. The soldier is very young.
17. How does the soldier lie ?
Ans. The soldier lies open-mouthed.
18. What is the soldier’s pillow made of ?
Ans. The soldier’s pillow is made of fern.
19. Where is the body of the soldier stretched out?
Ans. The body of the soldier is stretched out in the grass under the sky.
20. What does the expression ‘heavy undergrowth’ suggest ?
Ans. The ‘heavy undergrowth refers to the bushes and plants among which the soldier delightfully sleeps.
21. How does the poet describe the soldier’s smile ?
Ans. The young soldier’s smile is as pure and innocent as that of a child.
22. Where do the soldier’s feet lie ?
Ans. The soldier’s feet lie among flowers.
23. Where does the slow stream flow ?
Ans. The slow stream flows through the valley.
24. How does the stream look like ?
Ans. The stream looks like long strands of silver.
25. What is suggested by the word ‘hollow’ ?
Ans. The word ‘hollow’ suggests a valley surrounded by mountains.
26. What are the sunrays compared with ?
Ans. The sunrays are compared to a softly flowing stream.
27. What  does the poet ask Nature to do ?
 Ans. The poet asks Nature to take pity on the soldier sleeping in the valley and provide him warmth so that he may not catch cold.
28. What are the insects doing ?
Ans. The insects are humming, perhaps trying to wake the soldier from his sleep, but in vain.
29. What do the two red holes depict ?
Ans. The two red holes depict bullet wounds in the soldier’s body and the poet reveals the fact that the soldier is dead.
30. What is meant by the phrase ‘Sun-soaked bed’ ?
Ans. The phrase ‘sun soaked bed’ suggests that the valley absorbs the warmth of the sun and lush vegetation grows there abundantly.
31. How can you say that ‘Asleep in the Valley’ is an anti-war poem ?
Ans. ‘Asleep in the Valley’  is an anti-war poem because the ending of the poem implies our pity at the untimely and unfortunate death of a young soldier.
32.  “…..In his side there are two red holes”
       What do the ‘two red holes’ in the poem, ‘Asleep in the Valley’ signify ?

Ans. The two red holes in the side of the soldier suggest  two bullet wounds which have caused his death.
33. What is the setting of the poem ?
Ans. The setting of the poem is probably the Franco-Russian war of 1877 or the Franco-Prusian war of 1870.
34. Who is asked to keep the soldier warm?
Ans. Nature is asked to keep the soldier warm.
35. Why cannot the humming insects disturb the soldier’s rest ?
Ans. The soldier is dead, so nothing can disturb the soldier’s rest.
A slow stream—a small river flows slowly,  strands—yearn,   stream—the sunrays flow like a stream from the top of the mountain,  rays—sunrays,  hollow—the valley like a hole from the top ,  stretched—extended,  undergrowth—grass and shrubs that grow in plenty in the valley,   humming—making a soft continuous sound .

Jimmy Valentine Mcq & short type questions & answers for Class - XI


Multiple choice questions and answers of the Prose Jimmy Valentine

1. The original title of the story written by O. Henry is 
a)      Jimmy Valentine
b)      The Police Chief
c)       Massage of India
d)      A Retrieved Reformation
2. The profession of Jimmy is
a)      doctor
b)      lawyer
c)       bank burglary/safe cracker
d)      teacher
3. The number of Jimmy Valentine is
a)      9765
b)      9762
c)       9776
d)      9763
4. Jimmy Valentine was in prison for
a)      10 months
b)      10 weeks
c)       10 years
d)      10 days
5. At the time of his release, Jimmy is given
a)      a three-dollar bill
b)      a five-dollar bill
c)       a nine hundred-dollar bill
d)      a seven-dollar bill
6. Jimmy was arrested and sentenced imprisonment
a)      in Elmore case
b)      in Springfield case
c)       in St. Louis case
d)      none of these
7. Jimmy met Mike Dolan
a)      in his café
b)      in his house
c)       in a park
d)      Mr. Adams house
8. Jimmy discovered on the floor of his room
a)      Ben Price’s key
b)      Ben Price’s shirt
c)       Ben Price’s colar-button
d)      Ben Price’s pen
9. The name of the banker’s daughter was
a)      May
b)      Agatha
c)       Adams
d)      Annabel
10. The little girl who was trapped inside the vault was
a)      May
b)      Agatha (five years old)
c)       Adams
d)      Annabel
11. The age of May was
a)      five years old
b)      six years old
c)       nine years old
d)      eight years old
12. Jimmy rescued the little girl from the vault
a)      in half an hour
b)      in a minute
c)       in ten minute
d)      in twenty minute
13. Ben Price was
a)      a doctor
b)      a lawyer
c)       a detective
d)      a teacher
14. To make his tools of burglary, Jimmy had to spend
a)      over hundred-dollars
b)      over nine hundred-dollars
c)       over nine hundred rupees
d)      over nine cents
15. Jimmy’s new name was Ralph D. Spencer
16. Ben price saw Jimmy froma drag store
Short type questions & answer :
1. Who is the writer of the short story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’?
Ans.  O Henry is the writer of the short story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’.

2. What is the original title of the short story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’?
Ans. The original title of the short story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’ is ‘A Retrieved Reformation.’

3. What is the original name of the short story writer O Henry?
Ans. The original name of O Henry is William Sydney Porter.

4. Where did Jimmy Valentine work during the ten months of his imprisonment?
Ans. Jimmy valentine worked at the prison shoe shop during the ten months of his imprisonment.

5. What was the number of Jimmy Valentine during his stay in prison?
Ans. During his stay in prison the number of Jimmy valentine was 9762.

6. Why was Jimmy Valentine put into jail?
Ans. Jimmy Valentine was put into jail because he was found guilty of cracking the safe of a bank at Springfield.

7. Who gave approval to Jimmy’s pardon?
Ans. The Governor gave approval to Jimmy’s pardon.

8. How long was Jimmy Valentine there in the prison?
Ans. Jimmy Valentine was there in the prison for nearly ten months.

10. Who handed Jimmy the letter of Pardon?
Ans. The jail-warden handed Jimmy the letter of pardon.

11. What was original term of imprisonment for Jimmy Valentine?
Ans.  Originally Jimmy was sentenced to imprisonment for four years.

12. Who is the investigator in the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’?
Ans. Ben Price is the investigator in the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’.

13. What did the warden advise Jimmy?
Ans. The warden advised Jimmy not to break safe anymore and to lead a straight life.

14. What was Jimmy given before being released from the jail?
Ans. Before Jimmy came out of the jail he was given clumsy readymade clothes, a pair of stiff, squeaky shoes, a railroad ticket and a five dollar bill.

15. What did Jimmy Valentine do first after coming out of the jail?
Ans. After coming out of the jail, Jimmy Valentine first headed for a restaurant where he enjoyed a broiled chicken and a bottle of white wine and smoked a cigar of good quality.

16. How long did jimmy take to reach the small town where he used to live?
Ans. It took Jimmy three hours to reach the small town where he used to live.

17. How much did Jimmy give to a blind man before boarding his train?
Ans. Before boarding the train Jimmy tossed a quarter of a dollar (25 cents) into the hat of a blind man sitting by the door.

18. How much did it cost Jimmy to procure the burglar’s tools?
Ans. It cost Jimmy over nine hundred dollars to procure of the burglary tools.

19. Whom did Jimmy Valentine meet first after his release from jail?
Ans. After his release from jail Jimmy Valentine first met one Mike Dolan in his café.

20. What happened a week after the release of Jimmy?
Ans. A neat job of cracking the safe of a bank took place at Rochmond, Indiana.

21. Where did jimmy Valentine go after committing three safe burglaries?
Ans. After committing three safe burglaries Jimmy Valentine went to Elmore, a little town in Arkansas.

22. Where did Jimmy first meet Miss Annabel Adams?
Ans. Jimmy met Annabel Adams for the first time on the street leading to Elmore Bank.

23. Where did Jimmy put up at Elmore with which name?
Ans. At Elmore, Jimmy put up in the Planters’ Hotel with the name Ralph. D. Spencer.

24. Where did Jimmy want to meet his friend Billy?
Ans. Jimmy wanted to meet his friend Billy at Sullivan’s place in Little Rock.

25. Who would take Jimmy from Elmore Bank to the rail road station?
Ans. Dolph Gibson would drive Jimmy in his horse drawn buggy from Elmore.

26. Whom did Jimmy Valentine rescue from the vault?
Ans. Jimmy Valentine rescued Agatha from the vault.

27. Why could the door of the vault not be opened?
Ans. The door of the vault could not be opened because the clock had not been would and the combination had not been set.

28. How old was Agatha who got trapped inside the vault?
Ans. Agatha was only five years old.

29. How long did Jimmy take to open the vault?
Ans. Breaking his own burglarious record Jimmy took only ten minutes to open the vault door.

30. Why did Ben Price decide not to arrest Jimmy Valentine?
Ans. Ben Price decided not to arrest Jimmy Valentine as he was convinced that Jimmy had really become a reformed person.

Three Question mcq, saq, brief questions & answers

         Three question mcq, saq, brief questions & answers For Class - XII

1. Leo Tolstoy was a writer of -------Russia.

2.’Three Question’ is a ------Biblical story.

3. ‘Tsar’ is the Russian name of a ------King.

4.  The Tsar wanted to know the answers of ------Three question.

5. According to some learned men the most necessary persons for the Tsar would be-----Warriors.

6. What was the first question of the Tsar ?
Ans: The Tsar wanted to know the right time to begin every work which would bring him success.

7.What was the second question of the Tsar?
Ans: The second question of the Tsar was that he wanted to know who the right person to listen to was and whom should be avoided.

8. What was the third question of the Tsar?
Ans: The third question of Tsar was that he wanted to know what the most important thing to do .

9. Why did the Tsar want to know the answers of his three questions?
Ans: The Tsar wanted to know the answers of his three questions because he thought if he knew that he would never fail in anything he might undertake.

10. How did the learned men answer the Tsar’s questions?
Ans: The learned men answered the Tsar’s questions differently.

11. How could the magicians help the Tsar?
Ans: Only the magicians would predict future and so they could help the Tsar to know the right time for every action.

12. How could a council of wise men help the Tsar?
Ans: A council of wise men could help the Tsar to fix the proper time for every action.

13. who were the most important person according to Learned men?
Ans: The learned men thought that the councilors or the priests or the doctors or the worriors would lbe the most important persons to the Tsar.

14. What according to the learned men , would be the most important occupation of the Tsar?
Ans: According to the learned men the most important occupation of the Tsar would be science or warfare or religious worship.

15. Why did the Tsar give no reward to the learned men?
Ans:  The Tsar gave no reward to the learned men because he thought that their answer were different.

16. Why did the Tsar decide to consult the hermit?
Ans: The Tsar decided to consult the hermit because his learned men failed and he knew the hermit was wise enough to give answers to his three questions.

17. Where did the hermit live?
Ans: The hermit lived in a wood which he never quitted.

18.Why did the Tsar put on simple clothes before visiting the hermit?
Ans: The Tsar put on simple clothes because the hermit received only common folk.

19. What was the hermit doing when the Tsar came to visit him?
Ans: The hermit was digging the ground with his spade when the Tsar came to visit him.

20. How did the Tsar go to the hermit?
Ans: The Tsar put on simple clothes, dismounted from his horse, left behind his bodyguard and went to the hurmit’s hut.

21. What was the condition of the hermit while digging the ground?
Ans: The hermit breathed heavily while digging the ground.

22. Describe the wound of the stranger.
Ans: The stranger had a large wound in his stomach and blood was flowing badly from this wound.

23. How did the Tsar tend the man?
Ans: The Tsar washed and bandaged the wound several times till the blood stopped flowing.

24. What did the wounded man ask for when he revieved?
Ans: The wounded man asked for something to drink When  he revived.

25. What did the Tsar give the wounded man after he revived?
Ans: The Tsar gave the wounded man some fresh water to drink when he revived.

26. Where did the Tsar fall asleep?
Ans: The Tsar crouched down on the threshold and feel asleep.

27. Why did the man want to take revenge on the Tsar?
Ans: The man wanted to take revenge on the Tsar because the Tsar had once executed his brother and seized his property.

28. Why did the man come out of his ambush?
Ans: The came out of his ambush because he lost his patience when  the Tsar did not return.

29. Why did the man beg for forgiveness from the Tsar?
Ans The man begged forgiveness from the Tsar because the Tsar saved his life when he was severely wounded although he had intended to kill the Tsar.

30. What did the wounded man promise the Tsar?
Ans: The wounded man promised the Tsar that he and his sons would serve the Tsar as his most faithful slaves because the Tsar had saved his life.

31. What did the Tsar promise?
Ans: The Tsar promised to send his servants and his own physician to attend the man and also asked that he would restore his property.

32. What according to the hermit is the most important time?
Ans: According to the hermit, the most important time is the ‘present’ as we have control over it only at least to some extent.

                                                               Written by-B.Ray(M.A.)                       
1.What did the learned men say in answer to Tsar’s first question?
 Ans. In reply to the Tsar’s first question the learned men answered differently. Some said that to know the right time for every action, in advance one must make a table of days, months and years. According to the routine he must work. Other said that in advance to decide the the right time for every action was impossible. They said that one should always attend to all that was going on and then do what was most needful. Again others said that it was impossible for a man to decide correctly the right time for every action. So, he should have a Council of wise men who would help him to fix the proper time for every action. Others told the Tsar that he should consult magicians who can declare future.

  2.What were  the answers to the second and third question of the Tsar from the learned men?

Ans. In reply to the Tsar’ second question the learned men answered differently. Some said that the people whom the Tsar most needed were his councilors. Some said that the priests were the most important people to the Tsar. Others said that the doctors were the most important people to the Tsar. Again others said that the warriors were the most necessary people to the Tsar.
        In reply to the Tsar’s third question the learned men answered differently. Some said that the most important thing in the world was science. Others said that the most important thing was skill in warfare. Again others said that religious worship was the most important thing in the world.

3. How did the Tsar nurse the wounded man?     

Ans. The sun was about to set. Then a wounded man came running out of the wood. He fell fainting on the ground before the Tsar. The tsar and the hermit united the man’s clothing. There was a large wound in the man’s stomach. The Tsar washed it as best as he could. He bandaged it with his handkerchief and with the towel of the hermit. But the blood was flowing. Repeatedly the Tsar removed the bandage. He washed and rebandaged the wound. At last the blood stopped flowing. The wounded man revived. The Tsar gave him fresh water to drink. With the help of the hermit he carried him into the hut of the hermit and laid him on the bed. Lying on the bed the wounded man closed his eyes and was calm. Thus the Tsar nursed the wounded man.

4. How did the enemy of the Tsar become friend in Leo Tolstoy’s “The Three Questions’?

Ans. In the prose “The Three Questions” we came to know that the bearded man was nursed by the Tsar. The Tsar washed the wounds repeatedly and bandaged his wound till blood stopped flowing. He gave him fresh water to drink. The Tsar carried the wounded man with the hermit’s help into the hermit’s hut and laid him on the bed. Thus the Tsar saved the life of the wounded man.  Tsar’s service changed the mind of the wounded man. It transformed the Tsar’s avowed enemy into a faithful servant. The bearded man didn’t want to take any revenge on the Tsar for his brother’s execution and the seizure of his property. The bearded man asked for the Tsar’s forgiveness. Finally the Tsar got the friendship of his enemy by showing kindness to him. Thus The Tsar was happy to make peace with his enemy so easily.

5.”You are already answered”.—Do you agree with this line which was given by the hermit ? If so give three reasons of your answer.

Ans. In the prose “The Three Question” I came to know that the Tsar was answered indirectly. The answers were pertinent and logical.
·        Firstly, according to the hermit the most important time is present. That is right because the Tsar spent his present time by digging beds and he escaped death.
·        Secondly, the hermit said that most important person is one whom you are with. That also right because the Tsar nursed the wounded man with carefully and  as a result he got an enemy into a friend.
·        Thirdly, the hermit said that the most important work is to do good to the people around you. That is also true. The Tsar worked for the hermit first and wounded man thereafter. At that time he was escaping death gaining friendship and got the answer of his questions.

6. Why did the Tsar help the hermit to dig ? How did his work at the hermit’s place help him ?

Ans. In the prose “The Three Question” we came to know that Tsar went to meet with a hermit to get the answer of his questions. In the hermit’s hut the Tsar saw that the hermit was frail and weak. He was digging beds in front of his hut. Each time he stuck his spade into the ground, he breathed heavily. The Tsar said that he wanted to dig the beds and took the spade from the hermit and started to dig the ground. He wanted to give some respite to the old man.
         The Tsar gave two different kinds of result. Firstly, as he was busy in digging and he was free from the certain death. Secondly, he saved his enemy and got his friendship. Finally, he got the answers of all his questions.    

7. Why did the Tsar go to the hermit? Why did he go there in disguise? What was the hermit doing when the Tsar met him?

Ans. In the prose “The Three question” we came to know that the Tsar went to the hermit because all the learned men answered differently and the Tsar didn’t satisfied with them. So he decided to meet the hermit.
        The hermit received only common folk. So the Tsar put on simple cloth before meeting the hermit.
        The hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut. The Tsar saw him weak and frail. The hermit was breathing heavily while striking the spade into the ground. The hermit greeted the Tsar but went on digging.
                                                                                                                    Written by – B.Ray(M.A.)       

Heaven Of ENGLISH Studies

Sea Fever Questions & Answers

                                               Sea Fever 1. Name the poet and the poem from which this line has been taken.   Ans.   Th...