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Jimmy Valentine Mcq & short type questions & answers for Class - XI


Multiple choice questions and answers of the Prose Jimmy Valentine

1. The original title of the story written by O. Henry is 
a)      Jimmy Valentine
b)      The Police Chief
c)       Massage of India
d)      A Retrieved Reformation
2. The profession of Jimmy is
a)      doctor
b)      lawyer
c)       bank burglary/safe cracker
d)      teacher
3. The number of Jimmy Valentine is
a)      9765
b)      9762
c)       9776
d)      9763
4. Jimmy Valentine was in prison for
a)      10 months
b)      10 weeks
c)       10 years
d)      10 days
5. At the time of his release, Jimmy is given
a)      a three-dollar bill
b)      a five-dollar bill
c)       a nine hundred-dollar bill
d)      a seven-dollar bill
6. Jimmy was arrested and sentenced imprisonment
a)      in Elmore case
b)      in Springfield case
c)       in St. Louis case
d)      none of these
7. Jimmy met Mike Dolan
a)      in his café
b)      in his house
c)       in a park
d)      Mr. Adams house
8. Jimmy discovered on the floor of his room
a)      Ben Price’s key
b)      Ben Price’s shirt
c)       Ben Price’s colar-button
d)      Ben Price’s pen
9. The name of the banker’s daughter was
a)      May
b)      Agatha
c)       Adams
d)      Annabel
10. The little girl who was trapped inside the vault was
a)      May
b)      Agatha (five years old)
c)       Adams
d)      Annabel
11. The age of May was
a)      five years old
b)      six years old
c)       nine years old
d)      eight years old
12. Jimmy rescued the little girl from the vault
a)      in half an hour
b)      in a minute
c)       in ten minute
d)      in twenty minute
13. Ben Price was
a)      a doctor
b)      a lawyer
c)       a detective
d)      a teacher
14. To make his tools of burglary, Jimmy had to spend
a)      over hundred-dollars
b)      over nine hundred-dollars
c)       over nine hundred rupees
d)      over nine cents
15. Jimmy’s new name was Ralph D. Spencer
16. Ben price saw Jimmy froma drag store
Short type questions & answer :
1. Who is the writer of the short story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’?
Ans.  O Henry is the writer of the short story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’.

2. What is the original title of the short story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’?
Ans. The original title of the short story, ‘Jimmy Valentine’ is ‘A Retrieved Reformation.’

3. What is the original name of the short story writer O Henry?
Ans. The original name of O Henry is William Sydney Porter.

4. Where did Jimmy Valentine work during the ten months of his imprisonment?
Ans. Jimmy valentine worked at the prison shoe shop during the ten months of his imprisonment.

5. What was the number of Jimmy Valentine during his stay in prison?
Ans. During his stay in prison the number of Jimmy valentine was 9762.

6. Why was Jimmy Valentine put into jail?
Ans. Jimmy Valentine was put into jail because he was found guilty of cracking the safe of a bank at Springfield.

7. Who gave approval to Jimmy’s pardon?
Ans. The Governor gave approval to Jimmy’s pardon.

8. How long was Jimmy Valentine there in the prison?
Ans. Jimmy Valentine was there in the prison for nearly ten months.

10. Who handed Jimmy the letter of Pardon?
Ans. The jail-warden handed Jimmy the letter of pardon.

11. What was original term of imprisonment for Jimmy Valentine?
Ans.  Originally Jimmy was sentenced to imprisonment for four years.

12. Who is the investigator in the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’?
Ans. Ben Price is the investigator in the story ‘Jimmy Valentine’.

13. What did the warden advise Jimmy?
Ans. The warden advised Jimmy not to break safe anymore and to lead a straight life.

14. What was Jimmy given before being released from the jail?
Ans. Before Jimmy came out of the jail he was given clumsy readymade clothes, a pair of stiff, squeaky shoes, a railroad ticket and a five dollar bill.

15. What did Jimmy Valentine do first after coming out of the jail?
Ans. After coming out of the jail, Jimmy Valentine first headed for a restaurant where he enjoyed a broiled chicken and a bottle of white wine and smoked a cigar of good quality.

16. How long did jimmy take to reach the small town where he used to live?
Ans. It took Jimmy three hours to reach the small town where he used to live.

17. How much did Jimmy give to a blind man before boarding his train?
Ans. Before boarding the train Jimmy tossed a quarter of a dollar (25 cents) into the hat of a blind man sitting by the door.

18. How much did it cost Jimmy to procure the burglar’s tools?
Ans. It cost Jimmy over nine hundred dollars to procure of the burglary tools.

19. Whom did Jimmy Valentine meet first after his release from jail?
Ans. After his release from jail Jimmy Valentine first met one Mike Dolan in his café.

20. What happened a week after the release of Jimmy?
Ans. A neat job of cracking the safe of a bank took place at Rochmond, Indiana.

21. Where did jimmy Valentine go after committing three safe burglaries?
Ans. After committing three safe burglaries Jimmy Valentine went to Elmore, a little town in Arkansas.

22. Where did Jimmy first meet Miss Annabel Adams?
Ans. Jimmy met Annabel Adams for the first time on the street leading to Elmore Bank.

23. Where did Jimmy put up at Elmore with which name?
Ans. At Elmore, Jimmy put up in the Planters’ Hotel with the name Ralph. D. Spencer.

24. Where did Jimmy want to meet his friend Billy?
Ans. Jimmy wanted to meet his friend Billy at Sullivan’s place in Little Rock.

25. Who would take Jimmy from Elmore Bank to the rail road station?
Ans. Dolph Gibson would drive Jimmy in his horse drawn buggy from Elmore.

26. Whom did Jimmy Valentine rescue from the vault?
Ans. Jimmy Valentine rescued Agatha from the vault.

27. Why could the door of the vault not be opened?
Ans. The door of the vault could not be opened because the clock had not been would and the combination had not been set.

28. How old was Agatha who got trapped inside the vault?
Ans. Agatha was only five years old.

29. How long did Jimmy take to open the vault?
Ans. Breaking his own burglarious record Jimmy took only ten minutes to open the vault door.

30. Why did Ben Price decide not to arrest Jimmy Valentine?
Ans. Ben Price decided not to arrest Jimmy Valentine as he was convinced that Jimmy had really become a reformed person.

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