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Narration Change by Mr. B.Ray

                        Narration Change
Sentences may be divided into five different classes:           a) Assertive Sentence.
                                                      b) Interrogative Sentence.
                                                      c) Imperative Sentence.
                                                      d) Optative Sentence.
                                                      c) Exclamatory Sentence.
Each of the sentence may be further sub-divided  into two     –i) Affermative sentence     ii) Negative sentence.
                           ইংরাজীতে এই পাঁচ প্রকার Sentence এর Narrration Change :
                                                          Assertive Sentence
 এটি একটি বিবৃতিমূলক বাক্য ,বক্তা কিছু বলছে বোঝালে তাকে Assertive sentence বলে ( Assertive sentences make a simple statement)
Examples: I played cricket.
I know your name. I don’t know your name. etc.
Narration এর নিয়মঃ
Ø  Reporting Verb said এর পরিবর্তে said বসে
Ø  Reporting Verb said to এর পরিবর্তে told বসে
Ø  Reported Speech টি that দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়
Ø  Reported Speech এর tense পরিবর্তন হয়
Ø  Reported Speech এর pronoun পরিবর্তন হয়
Ø  Reporting Verb টি যদি Present অথবা Future Tense থাকে তবে Reported Speech এর Tense পরিবর্তন হয় না
Ø  Reported Speech টি যদি অভ্যাসগত সত্য বা চিরন্তন সত্য বা ঐতিহাসিক হয় তবে Tense পরিবর্তন হয় না

*        Tense পরিবর্তন :
Present Indefinite Tense
Past Indefinite Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense 
Past Perfect Tense  
Present Perfect Continuous Tense        
Past Perfect Continuous Tense 
Past Indefinite Tense
Past Perfect Tense 
Past Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Tense

*        Time Change :
That day
That night
The next day
The previous day
Last night
The previous night
That way
Go (Not always)
Examples :
*        If the reporting verb is in the present or future tense, he tense of the verb in the reported speech is not changed at all.

Direct : He says, “I  shall go.”

                                                     Reported speech
         Reporting verb

Indirect: He says that he will go.
Direct: He has said, “I went.”
Indirect: He has said that he went.
Direct: He will say, “I am busy.”
Indirect: He will say that he is busy.

*        If the reporting verb is in the past tense, the tense of the verb in the reported speech is changed .
Examples :  ( said এর পরিবর্তে said বসে ।)

Direct: He said, “I am busy.”
Indirect: He said that he was busy.
Direct: He said, “I play foot ball.”
Indirect: He said that he played foot ball.
Direct: He said , “I do the work.”
Indirect: He said that he did the work.
Direct: He said, “ I am going to school.”
Indirect : He said that he was going to school.

*        said to এর পরিবর্তে told বসে ।

Direct: He said to me, “I am ill.”
Indirect: He told me that he was ill.
Direct: He said to me, “I am playing foot ball.”
Indirect: He told me that he was playing foot ball.
Direct: He said to Ram, “You are wrong.”
Indirect: He told Ram that he(Ram) was wrong.
Direct: Hari said to Jatin, “You will pass.”
Indirect: Hari told Jatin that he(Jatin) would pass.

*        If the direct speech states a universal truth or habitual fact, the tense of the verb in the reported is not changed.

Direct: He said, “Honesty is the best policy.”
Indirect: He said that honesty is the best policy.
Direct: He said, “The sun rises in the east.”
Indirect: He said that the sun rises in the east.                     
Direct: He said, “God is good.”
Indirect: He said that God is good.
Di Direct: He said, “I walk everyday in the morning.”

                                                                                                                 Indirect: He said that he walks everyday in the morning.

*        Model verb থাকলে Model verb টি Past form –এ হয়।

Direct: He said to me, “I can help you.”
Indirect: He told me that he could help me.
Direct: He said to me, “I may go to school.”
Indirect: He told me that he might go to school.


                                                                Interrogative Sentence
এটি একটি জিজ্ঞাসা সূচক বাক্য্ বক্তা কাউকে কিছু জিজ্ঞাসা করছে এই রুপ বোঝালে তাকে Interrogative Sentence বলে ।(Interrogative sentences ask questions .) Examples: Do you know me ?
Why are you weeping ? How are you ? Can you help me ? Did you see a bird ?
*        Narration এর নিয়ম :
Ø  Reporting verb said এর পরিবর্তে asked ,enquired of, wanted to know বসে
Ø  Reporting verb said to me থাকলে asked me বসে
Ø  Reported speech টি if বা whether দ্বারা যুক্তো হয় যখন ‘do’, helping verb বা model verb দ্বারা question করা হয়
Ø  ‘Wh’ word দ্বারা question করা হলে if বা whether বসেনা ।এ ক্ষেত্রে ‘wh’ word টি বসে
Ø  Reported Speech এর tense পরিবর্তন হয়
Ø  Reported Speech এর pronoun পরিবর্তন হয়
Ø  Interrogative mood টি Assertive mood রুপান্ত্রর হয়

Direct: He said me, “Do you read the passage ?”
Indirect: He asked me if I read the passage.
Direct: He said to me, “Are you busy?”
Indirect: He asked me if I was busy.
Direct: He said to me, “Are you playing foot ball?”
Indirect: He asked me if I was playing foot ball.
Direct: He said to me, “Have you seen any cow?”
Indirect: He asked me if I had seen any cow.
Direct: He said to me, “Did you write the letter?”
Indirect: He asked me if I had written the letter.
Direct: Ram said to Shyam, “Were you going to school?”
Indirect: Ram asked Shyam if he(Shyam) had been going to school.
Direct: He said to me, “Had you eaten rice?”
Indirect: He asked me if I had eaten rice.
Direct: He said to me, “Will you go to school tomorrow?”
Indirect: He asked me if I would go to school the next day.

Direct: He said to me, “Can you help me?”
Indirect: He asked me if I could help him.

“Wh” Word দ্বারা –

Direct: He said to me, “Who are you?”
Indirect: He asked me who I was.
Direct: He said to me, “Why are you weeping now?”
Indirect: He asked me Why I was weeping then.
Direct: He said to me, “Where do you live?”
Indirect: He asked me where I lived.
Direct: He said to me, “Where did you go?”
Indirect: He asked me where I went.
Direct: He said to me, “When will you go home?”
Indirect: He asked me when I would go home.
Direct: He said to me, “How are you?”
Indirect: He enquired of me how I was.

                                                         Imperative Sentence
আদেশ, উপদেশ ও অনুরোধ বোঝালে তাকে Imperative Sentence বলে ।(Imperative sentences express command or request.) Examples: Come here. Go home now. Please help me and etc.
*        Narration এর নিয়ম :
Ø  আদেশ বোঝালে Reporting verb said এর পরিবর্তে ordered বসে said to me থাকলে ordered me বসে
Ø  উপদেশ বোঝালে Reporting verb said এর পরিবর্তে advised বসে said to me থাকলে Advised me বসে
Ø  অনুরোধ বোঝালে Reporting verb said এর পরিবর্তে requested বসে said to me থাকলে requested me বসে
Ø  Reported Speech টি to দ্বারা যুক্তো হয়
Ø  Reported Speech এর Pronoun পরিবর্তন হয়।
Ø  বাক্যে not থাকলে not এর  পরে to বসিয়ে Reported Speech যুক্তো হয়।
Ø  আবার not না বসিয়ে Reporting verb Forbade বা Prohibited করা যায়
Ø  যখন  order, request ,advise পরিস্কার ভাবে বোঝা না যায় তখন Reporting verb tell,told,ask,asked ,urged,warned   & etc. বাক্যের মানে অনুযায়ী বসাতে হয়।
Ø  Yes sir, Please sir প্র্র্র্র্ভৃতি   Indirected speech লেখার সমায়ে requested  করা হয় কিম্বা politely , kindly প্র্র্ভৃতি Adverb যোগে লিখতে হয়।

Direct: He said to me, “Go home now.”
Indirect: He ordered me to go home then.
Direct: He said to me, “Stop.”
Indirect: He ordered me to stop.
Direct: He said to me, “Please open the door.”
Indirect: He requested me to open the door.
Direct: The teacher said to me, “Go to class room.”
Indirect: The teacher ordered me to go to class room.
Direct: He said to me, “Please wait here.”
Indirect: He requested me to wait there.
Direct: Mother said to me, “Don’t run fast.”
Indirect: Mother advised me not to run fast.
   Or –Mother forbade me to run fast.
Direct: Mariya said to me, “Sir, Don’t go to market now.”
Indirect: Mariya asked me politely not to go home then.
  Or –Mariya forbade me politely to go home then.

*        Let দ্বারা বাক্য্ শুরু হয়ে যদি প্র্র্স্থাব বোঝায় তবে কিছু নিয়ম পরিবর্ত্ হয়।
Ø  Reporting verb said এর পরিবর্তে Suggested বা Proposed কথাটি বসে ।
Ø  এক্ষেত্রে Reported Speech টি that দ্বারা যুক্তো হয়।
Ø  Let এর পরিবর্তে should কথাটি বসে ।
Ø  Reported Speech এর pronoun পরিবর্ত্ হয় ।
Ø  Imperative Mood টি Assertive Mood এ রুপান্ত্র হয় ।
Direct: Rimpa said to her friends, “Let us have picnic.”
Indirect: Rimpa suggested(proposed) to her friends that they should have a picnic.
Direct: He said to his friends, “Let us go for a dance party.”
Indirect: He proposed to friends that they should go for a dance party.
Let দ্বারা বাক্য্ শুরু হয়ে যখন প্র্র্স্তাব বোঝায় না তখন Reporting verb বাক্যের অর্থের কথা অনুযায়ী বসে ।এছাড়া Let এর পরিবর্তে might অথবা might be allowed to কথাটি বসে । বাকী নিয়ম একই থাকে । Examples:
Direct: He said, “Let him recite the poem.”             
Indirect: He said that he might(or might be allowed to)recite the poem.
Direct: He said, “Let me come in.”
Indirect: He requested that he might come in.
*        বাক্যে must থাকলে must বা would have to কথাটি বসে
Direct: He said to me, “You must leave the school.
Indirect: He told me that I must(would have to) leave the school.
*        কিছু Interrogative sentence কে Imperative sentence এ Narration করতে হয় ।
Direct: I said to my sis, “Could you give me a glass of water?”
Indirect: I requested my sis to give me a glass of water.
                                                          Optative Sentence
     কামনা,বাসনা,পার্থনা বোঝাইলে তাকে Optative Sentence বলে ।(Optative sentences express a wish)
Examples: May you be happy.
*        Narration এর নিয়ম :

Ø  Reporting verb Said এর পরিবর্তে wished বা prayed বসে
Ø  Reported speech এর Pronoun পরিবর্তিত হয়।
Ø  Reported speech টি that দ্বারা যুক্তো হয়
Ø  May কথাটির পরিবর্তে might বসে
Ø  Optative form টি Assertive form – রুপান্ত্র হয়।


Direct: He said to me, “May God bless you.”
Indirect: He prayed(wished) that God might bless me.
Direct: He said to me, “May you be live long.”
Indirect: He wished that I might be live long.
Direct: He said to me, “May you be happy.”
Indirect: He prayed that I might be happy.

                                                        Exclamatory Sentence
এটি একটি বিস্ময়সূচক বাক্য্। বক্তা কাউকে কোন বিষয়ে ‍‍‍‍‍‍ বিস্ময় প্র্কাশ করছে এইরুপ বোঝালে তাকে Exclamatory Sentence বলে ।(Exclamatory Sentences express a sudden feeling or emotion.)
Examples: How nice! Hurrah! I got the first position. Alas! I have lost my pen.
*        Narration এর নিয়ম :
Ø  Hurrah’ থাকলে Reporting verb said এর পরিবর্তে exclaimed in joy কথাটি বসে
Ø  ‘Alas’ থাকলে Reporting verb said এর পরিবর্তে exclaimed in grief কথাটি বসে
Ø  Reported speech টি that দ্বারা যুক্তো হয়।
Ø  Reported speech এর pronoun পরিবর্ত্ন হয়।
Ø  Reported speech এর tense পরিবর্ত্ন হয়।
Ø  ‘Hurrah’ & ‘Alas’ সঠিক ভাবে বোঝা না গেলে Reporting Said এর পরিবর্তে exclaimed, said, told, asked ইত্যাদি বাক্যের মানে অনুযায়ী বসে।
Ø  আবেগের গভীরতা বোঝাতে Noun এর পূর্বে great এবং Adjective এর পূর্বে very বসে
Ø  Exclamatory Formation টি Assertive Formation – রুপান্ত্হয়।
Direct: He said to me, “Hurrah! I have won the first positon.”
Indirect: He exclaimed in joy that he had won the first positon.
Direct: He said to me, “Alas! I have lost the first position.”
Indirect: He exclaimed in grief that he had lost the first positon.
Direct: He said to me, “What a nonsense you are!”
Indirect: He exclaimed(cried out) that he was a great nonsense.
Direct: He said to me, “How happy I am here!”
Indirect: He exclaimed that he was very happy there.

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