Sentences & Clauses
কখনও কখনও Simple Sentence এ Finite Verb এর সঙ্গে Non-finite verb থাকতে পারে ।
Example: I took the book to read the new lesson.
যদি verb টি Imperative Mood এ থাকে তবে Subject উহ্য থাকে ।
Contracted Sentences : Compound sentences often appear in a contracted or shortened frorm in order to avoid the needless repetition of the same word :
Whether a sentence is complex or compound is determined by the number of its principal clauses, and not by the number and nature of its subordinate clauses. A complex sentence may have two or more subordinate clauses joined by co-ordinating conjunctions.
Similarly, a Compound sentence my have any number of subordinate clauses dependent on its principal clauses.
Therefore, to determine whether a sentence with co-ordinating conjunctions is complex or compound, we shall see it the co-ordinate clauses are independent or subordinate. It independent, the whole sentence is compound, but if subordinate, the sentence is complex.
Note : অধিকাংশ ক্ষেএে that এই linker দ্বারা Noun Clause কে Principal Clause এর সঙ্গে যুক্ত করা হয়। এছাড়া অন্য linker গুলি যেমন how, when, who, whose, whom, what, and which প্র্র্র্য়োজনমতো ব্যবহার করা হয়।
Clauses introduced by who, which, when, where, etc. are subordinate adjectival only when the words are used in a restrictive sense, restricting and defining the antecedents. But when the words are used in a continuative sense to give further details, the clauses they introduce are co-ordinate.
But the Relative Pronoun is often omitted, when, if retained, it would have been in the objective case. Examples:
Sentence : According to Structure of Sentences are three different kinds of.(গঠনের প্রকারভেদ অনুসারে ) Sentence তিনপ্রকার : 1. Simple Sentence( সরল বাক্য )
2. Complex Sentence (যৌগিক বাক্য)
3. Compound Sentence (জটিল বাক্য)
1. Simple Sentence : A simple sentence is one that contains only one subject and one finite verb, expressed or understood. ( অর্থাৎ যে বাক্যে একটি মাত্র Subject এবং একটি মাত্র Finite verb বা Non-finite verb থাকে তাকে Simple Sentence বলে ।)
I go to school.
We play cricket.
You sing a song.
I have played cricket.
I shall be playing cricket.
He goes to Kolkata.
I have done the job.
He goes there every day
Barking dogs seldom bite.
I sang a song.
He has gone to school.
They were dancing.

Finite verb Non-finite verb

Examples : Do the sum. (এখানে you subject টি উহ্য।)
Open the door. (এখানে you subject টি উহ্য।)
2. Complex Sentence : A Complex sentence is one that contains one Principal clause with one or more subordinate clauses. (যে Sentence এ একটি Principal Clause এবং তার ওপর নির্ভরশীল এক বা একাধিক Subordinate Clause থাকে তাকে Complex Sentence বলে ।)
Examples : I know that you are a good boy. (বাক্যটিতে that you are a good boy একটি Subordinate Clause। বাক্যটিতে I know কথাটি Principal Clause ।)
I know when he will come.
This is the boy who helped me.
He stayed on until I arrive.
Since you are ill, you need not go.
Though he is my friend, I cannot support him here.
This is Barnia where I was born.
3. Compound Sentence : A Compound Sentence is one that contains two or more independent clauses joined together by co-ordinating conjunctions. The principal co-ordinating conjunctions are : And, or, then, but, else, however, therefore, either..or, neither… nor, as well as. (যে বাক্যে দুই বা তার অধিক স্বাধীন Clause সংযোগমূলক Conjunction দ্বারা যুক্ত হয়(যেমন—and, or, but, as well as, either..or, neither…nor, else, however, therefore and etc.) তাকে Compound Sentence বলে ।
Examples :
He is a good man who loves his motherland.
You may listen your teacher or leave the class.
He was late but he was not sorry.
Give me liberty or give me death.
I got the news and I was ready to go, but sudden illness prevented me from starting.
I entered the class room, took my seat and the teacher began to teach.

a) With two or more predicates to the same subject :
Examples: I came and (I)delivered a lecture.
He was pleased but (I) could not do anything.
b) With two or more subjects to the same predicate :
Examples: They as well as you are wrong.
He is poor, but (he is) honesy.

The man who came here yesterday and whom you must have seen is my father.
As he is ill and the doctor has advised him rest, he cannot come to welcome you.

a) I shall go there when you come, but return as soon as you leave the place.
b) As he is ill, he cannot move out, we expect that he will come round before the ceremony ends.

A Clause is a group of words having a subject and a predicate of its own, but forming part of a sentence.
Clause তিন প্রকার :
Principal Clause Sub-ordinate Clause Co-ordinate Clause
এটি প্রধান বাক্যাংশ যা নিজে স্বাধীন ভাবে বসতে পারে। অন্য কোন বাক্যাংশের ওপর নির্ভর করতে হয় না। Examples :
I know the man who is a teacher.
Noun Clause
I think that you have done the work.
You don’t know what you have done.
Can you tell me when you will go.
এটি অপ্রধান বাক্যাংশ যা নিজে স্বাধীন ভাবে বসতে পারে না । অন্য কোন বাক্যাংশের ওপর নির্ভর করতে হয় । Examples :
I know the boy who is meritorious.
Sub-ordinate Clause
I don’t know what you want.
A student who neglects his studies, cannot progress.
It is uncertain whether he will come again.
এটি একটি সংযোগকারী বাক্যাংশ যা নিজে স্বাধীন থেকেও অন্য একটি বা একাধিক স্বাধীন বাক্যাংশের সঙ্গে যুক্ত হয়ে একটি Compound Sentence তৈ্রি করে। Examples :
I shall go now or I shall not go at all. Co-ordinate Clause
I called him but he gave no answers.
The man is poor and I know it.
He was poor but he was honest.
Subordinate Clause তিন প্রকার – 1. Noun Clause / Nominal Clause
2. Adjective Clause / Relative Clause
3. Adverb Clause
Noun Clause / Nominal Clause
A Noun Clause can be used in a sentence in the same way in which a Noun itself may be needed. The Noun Clause Is usually introduced by the conjunction that, expressed or understood, or by an interrogative pronoun or an interrogative adverb: (Noun Clause বাক্যে Noun যে ভাবে বসে, সেইভাবে বসে।) Examples :
I know that he is fine. They say that he is dead. That he is ill is known to me.
I know what he wants. I shall enquire who did not do it. I asked if he was there. I know why he did it.
Function of a Noun Clause
The Subject of a verb
That he is ill is known to all.
What he said is true.
That he is poor known to us.
When he will arrive is uncertain.
That he boy stood first is known to all.
Who phoned me is still a mystery
Which he wants is unknown to me.
Why he left me is a mystery.
How the prisoner escaped is a mystery.
That he is intelligent is proved.
What he wants is not very clear.
The object of a verb
I know when he will come.
He said that he would go.
I believed what he said.
I know that he is a very good student.
We know that the earth is a planet.
I hope that you are wrong.
He denied that he had phoned me.
I cannot tell what is going on me.
I don’t know when I shall return.
Please tell me who are you.
Can you tell me what do you want.
No one knows who I am.
The object of a preposition
I know nothing of what he will do.
It depends on how he reacts.
There is no sense in what he said.
Pay attention to what he says.
He began to shout from the moment he arrived there.
I do not worry about what others think of me.
Pay heed to what your parents say.
There was nothing wrong in what he told you.
I was cured by the medicine he gave me.
The Complement to a verb
This is what we expected.
My worry is that he may meet with an accident.
My desire is that all of you come to my place.
Their request is that they may be allowed to leave earlier.
Hell is what evil is in us.
His great hope is that he will do well in the test.
He is whom we want.
My wish is that I may please you.
In apposition to a noun or it.
There is a rumour that he is dead.
It is true that he has come.
It is true that you are honest.
Our suspicion that he was the culprit.
It is unjust that he has been fined.
The allegation that he had told the people a lie.
It is feared that more than ten men died in the accident.
They saying that honesty is the best policy cannot be ignored.

Joining by Using Noun Clause
1. He was gone away. No one knows.
= No one knows where he has gone away.
2. Soma is a good singer. Everyone knows it.
= Everyone knows that Soma is good singer.
3. The girl looked like someone. I was unable to tell it.
= I was unable to tell what the girl looked like.
4. She wore slippers. I knew that.
= I knew that she wore slippers.
5. It was impossible to decide beforehand the right time for every action. Others declared this.
= Others declared that it was impossible to decide beforehand the right time for every action.
Relative Clause / Adjective Clause
An Adjective Clause or Relative Clause is used as an Adjective to qualify a Noun or Pronoun or it denotes relation to a Noun or Pronoun. (Adjective Clause বাক্যে Adjective এর মতো বসে Noun বা Pronoun কে qualify করে।)

Restrictive and hence ,Subordinate Adjectival
Continuative and hence, Co-ordinate
1. The book which I bought is lost.
2. I know the boys who are present.
3. I know the place where he was born.
1. My horse, which (=and it) is in the stable, is an Arab.
2. I saw him yesterday, when (and then) he gave me the news.
3. I went to your father, who (and he) promised to help me.
Ø Relative Clause দুইভাগে ভাগ করা হয় –
যথা – i) Defining Relative Clause /Restrictive Relative Clause
ii) Non-defining Relative Clause /Non-restrictive Relative Clause
(i) Defining Relative Clause : এই Relative Clause এ Antecedent(Noun or Pronoun) টিকে পরিস্কার চিহ্নিত করে বা define করে।(Antecedent এর পূর্বে the থাকে) যেমন-
The man who scored a century was adjudged the man of the match
Antecedent Defining Relative Clause
(ii)Non-defining Relative Clause : এই Relative Clause এ সাধারনত Antecedent টির সম্পর্কে বাড়তি কিছু বলে। যেমন :
My father who is a pure vegetarian is a doctor.
Antecedent Non-defining Relative Clause
Note : Defining Relative Clause –এর ক্ষেত্রে comma বসে না।
Non-defining Relative Class–এর ক্ষেত্রে comma বসে।
Note: (a) A restrictive clause may be introduced by that, but a continuative clause is never introduced by it.
(b) A Relative Pronoun Or Adverb, when used in a continuative sense, generally takes a coma before it. But the presence of commas is not the decisive mark of a Relative Pronoun or Adverb being used in a continuative sense. Restrictive clause also may have commas before and after them:-
(i) William, who did not much like the journey, said it was too deep for them to venture on.
(ii) Among the men, who came here today, not one turned out to be honest. Man has the power of making instrument, which brings into view stars, whose light has taken a thousand years to reach the earth.
এক নজরে Relative Pronoun গুলি & Relative Adverbs
যে বা যারা
এটি একটি প্রানীবাচক সব্দ।এটি ব্যক্তি বা ব্যক্তিবর্গের ক্ষেত্রে বসে।
এটি ব্যক্তি বা বস্তু উভয়ের ক্ষেত্রে বসে। সময় কে বোঝায়।
যাহা, যেটি
এটি একটি অপ্রানীবাচক সব্দ।এটি বস্তুর ক্ষেত্রে বসে।
এটি ব্যক্তি বা ব্যক্তিবর্গের ক্ষেত্রে বসে।
এটি ব্যক্তি বা বস্তু উভয়ের ক্ষেত্রে বসে।
স্থানের ক্ষেত্রে বসে।
এটি ব্যক্তি বা ব্যক্তিবর্গের ক্ষেত্রে বসে।
Of which
এটি বস্তুর ক্ষেত্রে বসে।
এটি বস্তুর ক্ষেত্রে বসে।
Function of the Relative/Adjective Clause
The farmer who was suffering has died.
The boy who has gone is my brother
The man whom you saw yesterday is my friend.
The boys whom you invited are my friends.
Bimal whose performance was so good has been awarded.
The girl whose brother is my friend came here.
The book that fetched him the Oscar Prize is now available.
The purse that you bought yesterday has been lost.
Of whch
The shirt of which two buttons were missing has been sent to the tailor.

This is the man (whom) I saw.
The book (Which) he bought has been lost.
I have written the story (that) he told me.
Note: It will be noted that who, which, why, when, where, etc., introduce both Noun and Adjective Clauses. But there can be no confusion if one bears in mind that the clause introduced by them is noun only when they are interrogative (pronouns or adverbs) introducing dependent questions, and adjective only when they are relative (pronouns or adverbs), when they qualify antecedents :
Noun Clauses
Adjective Clause/Relative Clauses
1. Tell me who did it.
2. Tell me when he will come.
3. I know why he said so.
4. I know how he did it.
1. I know the boy who did it.
2. Tell me the time when he will come.
3. I know the reason why he said so.
4. Tell me the way how he did it.
Adverb Clause
Adverb Clauses can be introduced by any of the subordinating conjunctions excepting that used in Apposition: An adverbial Clause is used as an Adverb to modify a Verb, an Adjective, another Adverb etc. and usually denotes time, place, cause, effect, extent, manner, comparison, contrast, condition, purpose.
Function of linkers
Linking words
When, while, before, after, till, until, since.
Wait until I come. He came when I was there. He came after I had left. Strike while the iron is hot.
Where, whence,(যেখান থেকে), Wherever(যেখানেই).
Stay where you are. Return whence you come.
As, because, since, that.
He cannot come because he is ill. As he is ill, he cannot come. Since you are ill, you need not come. I am sorry that you said so.
Result—ফল , পরিনাম
So that, such….that, that
What have I done that you desert me? I am so tired that I cannot walk. He is such a fool that I cannot depend on him.
Extent /Degree-পরিমান
As far as, so far as, so…as.
As far as I know ,the man is poor.
In case, if, unless, provided that, on condition, supposing that, whether,
If I succeed I shall help you. I shall not go unless you come. I may come in case I have time. He will come provided he gets leave. I shall try, whether I succeed or not.
As, as if
Biresh writes as he usually writes. She acted as if she were mad.
Purpose -উদ্দ্যেশ্য
Lest, so that, that, in order that
We read that we may learn. He works her in order that he may succeed. Walk slowly lest you should fall.
Although, though
Although I had forbidden you, you went out of the room.
Though he insulted me, I remain fond of him.
|, so…as, such…as,(in positive), than,the(in comparative),
Sourav bats as well as Rahul. My mom is as wise as my father. No one sings better than some.
Supposition orConcession -অনুমান
Even if, however, though, whoever ,whatever, whichever, although
Though he is poor, he is honest. Even if I fail, I shall not give up hope. Although they were present, they said nothing.
However strong you may be, I am not afraid of you. Whatever you may say, I do not believe you. Whoever he may be, he cannot be allowed.
1 comment:
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