Voice Change
Voice change :- Voice is the form of the verb which indicates if the
subject does the work or something has been done to it.
Voice তিন প্রকার। যথা- (i)Active Voice (ii)Passive Voice (iii) Quasi-Passive
তিন প্রকার sentence এর Voice change করতে হয়।এই তিন প্রকার Sentence হয়ঃ 1.Assertive
Sentence 2. Interrogative Sentence 3.
Imperative Sentence.
Assertive Sentence এর Voice change এর নিয়ম:-
Ø Subject টি Object স্থানে বসে । Object টি Subject স্থানে বসে ।
Ø মূল Verb টি Past
Participle Form এ হয় ।
Ø Subject টি By দ্বারা যুক্ত হয় ।
Ø Pronoun এর পরিবর্তন হয় ।যেমন: I—Me,We—US,You—You,He—Him,She—Her,They—Them.
Ø Tense এর পরিবর্তন হয় ।

যেমন : Active
: I play cricket
Subject Verb Object

Subject verb(P.P.) Object
Tense পরিবর্তন by দ্বারা subject যুক্ত হয়
Active : I
am playing cricket.
Cricket is being played by me.
Active: I
have done the job.
Passive: The
job has been done by me.
Active: I
did the work.
Passve: The
work was done by me.
Active: I
was doing the work.
Passive: The
work was being done by me.
Active: I
had done the work.
Passive: The
work had been done by me.
Active: I shall do the work.
Passive: The
work will be done by me.
Active: I shall be doing the work.
Passive: The
work will be being done by me.
Active: I
shall have done the work.
Passive: The
work will have been done by me.
Acticve: I
know the matter.
Passive: The
matter is known to me.
[Know থাকলে to বসে by বসেনা ]
Sentence এর Voice change এর নিয়ম:-
Subject টি Object স্থানে
বসে । Object টি
Subject স্থানে বসে ।
মূল Verb টি
Past Participle Form এ হয় ।
টি By দ্বারা
যুক্ত হয় ।
এর পরিবর্তন
হয় ।যেমন:
Ø Tense এর
পরিবর্তন হয় ।
Ø Intrerrogative বাক্যটি
Interrogative formation এ থাকে।
Actve: Do you eat rice?
Passive: Is rice eaten by you?
Active: Are you eating rice?
Passive: Is rice being eaten by you?
Active: Have you seen any man?
Passsive: Has any man been seen by
Active: Did you see a cow?
Passive: Was a cow seen by you?
Active: Was you doing the work?
Passive: Was the work being done by
Active: Had you seen my name?
Passive: Had my name been seen by
Active: Shall I eat rice?
Passive: Will rice be eaten by me?
Active: Will you read the passage?
Passive: Will the passage be read by
‘Wh’ word যুক্ত বাক্যের Voice change:-
Subject টি Object স্থানে বসে । Object টি Subject স্থানে বসে ।
মূল Verb টি Past
Participle Form এ হয় ।
Subject টি By দ্বারা যুক্ত হয় ।
Pronoun এর পরিবর্তন হয় ।যেমন: I—Me,We—US,You—You,He—Him,She—Her,They—Them.
Tense এর পরিবর্তন হয় ।
“wh” word টি দিয়ে শুরু করতে হবে।
Interrogative formation এর কোন পরিবর্তন হবে না।
যেমনঃ- Active: What does he want?
Passive: What is wanted by him?
Active: What did you tell him?
Passive: What was he told by
Active: When did you write the letter?
Passive: When was the
letter written by you?
Active: Where did Anil find the bag?
Passive: Where was
the bag found by Anil?
Active: Which Saree
has Mouli selected?
Passive: Which saree
has been selected by Mouli?
Active: When will the child take rice?
Passive: When will
rice be taken by the child?
Active: What will be
eat at night?
Passive: What will be
eaten by him at night?
Ø ‘Who’ দিয়ে প্রশ্নবোধক
বাক্য থাকলে প্রথমে ‘By whom’ লিখে Passive voice করতে হবে।বাকি
Interrogative Sentence এর Passive voice করবার মতোই।
যথাঃ-Active: Who does the job?
Passive: By whom is the job done?
Active: Who did the sum?
Passive: By whom was the sum done?
Active: Who is building this house?
Passive: By whom is the house being
Active: who called you a liar?
Passive: By whom were you called a
Active: Who has broken the plate?
Passive: By whom has the plate been
Imperative Sentence এর Voice change এর নিয়ম:-
Verb দিয়ে বাক্য শুরু হলে Passive
Voice করার সময় Let দ্বারা বাক্য শুরু হবে।
Object টি Subject হবে।
মূল Verb টি Past Participle form এ হবে।
মূল Verb টি be দ্বারা যুক্ত হবে।
বন্ধনীর মধ্যে by you লিখতে হয় কারন সব
বাক্যেই You কে উদ্দেশ্য করে বলা হয়।
যেমনঃ- Active: Do it.
Passive: Let it be done.(by you)
Active: Help the begger.
Passive: Let the begger be helped.(by you)
Active: Open the door.
Passive: Let the door be opened.(by you)
Active: Give him an apple.
Passive: Let an apple be given (to) him.(by you)
Active: Do not watch television.
Passive: Let not television be watched.(by you)
Active: Do not laugh at the poor.
Passive: Let not the poor be laughed.(by you).
Active: Don’t waste time.
Passive: Let not time be wasted.(by you)
Ø বাক্যে Please থাকলে Please এর পরিবর্তে You are requested to কথাটি বসে।
যেমনঃ- Active: Please open the door.
Passive: You
are requested to open the door.
Active: Please
help me.
Passive: You
are requested to help me.
কোনও কোনও ক্ষেএে
বাক্যের অর্থ অনুযায়ী you are requested to কথাটি বসে।
যেমনঃ- Active: Do not lean your head out of the window.
Passive: You are requested not to lean your head out of the window.
Active: Do not pull the chain unless required.
Passive: You are requested not to pull the chain unless required.
Or. The chain is not to
be pulled unless required.
Ø অনেক ক্ষেএে Passive form করার সময় বাক্যের
অর্থ বুঝে have,put বা উচিতার্থে
Should ব্যবহার করতে হয়।
যেমনঃ- Active: Tell him to come.
Passive: He should be told to come.
Active: Keep your promise.
Passive: Your promise should be kept.
Active: Put up a tent here.
Passive: Have a tent put up here.
Passive Voice of Quasi-Passive Verb(কর্মকর্তৃবাচ্যের রূপান্তর)
কোনও কোনও Verb,
Active Voice-এ ব্যবহার হয়েও Passive এর অর্থ প্রকাশ করে।ঐ সকল Verb কে
Quasi-Passive Verb (Quasi=Half) বলে।
feel, read, smell ইত্যাদি verbs.
1. Quasi-Passive Verbs with a Complement
Active: Honey
tastes sweet.
Passive: Honey is
sweet when it is tasted.
Active: Stone feels
Passive: Stone is
hard when it is felt.
Active: This bed
feels soft.
Passive: This bed
is soft when it is felt.
Active: This word
sounds good.
Passive: This word
is good when it is read.
2.Quasi-Passive Verbs with out Complement
Active: The house is building.
Passive: The house is being built.
Active: The book is printing.
Passive: The book is being printed.
Active: The cows are milking.
Passive: The cows are being milked.
[এ ছাড়াও মাষ্টার মহাশয়ের কাছে Practic এর সময় বাকী নিয়ম লিখে নেবে।]
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